Brief info
Cynthia Wilson was born and raised in Lansing, Michigan, one of eleven children, eight girls and three boys. She attended Everett High School (same school as Earvin “Magic” Johnson) where she participated in several sports before receiving a full athletic scholarship (basketball) to the University of Minnesota. Cynthia is married to Odell Wilson III and has three wonderful children: Cyndell, Odell IV, and Willie. They reside in North Minneapolis, where two of her children have graduated, (willie June 2022) from North Community High School. A true product of North Minneapolis and the community.
Cynthia has held several positions within the Minneapolis NAACP Branch, from treasurer to committee chair of Labor and Economics, Vice President, and currently President. She has seen the many injustices that have taken place within the state of Minnesota and is prepared to take back our power and hold the “systems” accountable.
Cynthia designed her major and graduated in 1987 and received a BGS in “Educational Communication with Disadvantaged Youth” from the University of Minnesota. She completed an internship with the City of Minneapolis and was hired as a full-time employee, where she has worked for 34 years. During this time, she has worked extensively with children, youth, teens, adults, and senior citizen. Cynthia has worked in various capacities of supervision and management, while providing training, professional development, and instructional empowerment. Cynthia is a community guru; in that she has made it her choice to live in North Minneapolis for over 30 years while building and revitalizing her community.
In 2003 Cynthia developed Keeping My Focus (KMF), a motivational, mentoring, and life-coaching business. KMF is assisting the young and old in their transition process in every area of their lives, and beyond.